Sunday, July 08, 2007


I went to school with a young lady called Antoinette (surname escapes me now and in fact she is not so young anymore) at The British School in the Netherlands in 1982/83.
I think I last saw her in London very briefly in about 1989 or 1990, and must confess that I had not given her much thought until today sitting on a plane between Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta.
I sat across the aisle from a young Dutch girl (perhaps 16 or 17) on her way to Indonesia with her family, no doubt for their annual summer vacation, who in so many ways reminded me of Antoinette.
Buried memories come rushing front of mind again with such small prompts.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

A dream

I had a vivid dream a few nights ago. So vivid it has not left me as dreams normally do after a few hours or days.
The dream was about love.
In the dream love was represented by beautiful jewels. Diamonds, rubies, tanzanite, emeralds - all the colours of the rainbow - all glittering in a jewels multifaceted many dimensioned way.
All of these jewels were lying in sand.
Some were vsisible at times while others were not.
As the wind blew, some were covered and others were uncovered and this went on for infinity.
Each jewel that was visible represented love.
Each different jewel that was visible represented someone, a person - a life time of people - ALL people.
As each jewel was covered up and another one, or many at a time, uncovered by the sand, the importance of always remembering love and how to love and who to love and never ever to forget who and how and when, even if that person is not around, was the powerful thought that woke me up, with that crystal clarity that we sometimes wake from our dreams with.
Without LOVE we are nothing. Without the ability to LOVE we are nothing. Without the recognistion of LOVE we are nothing.
Love is indeed all around us, all the time. We just spend too much time preoccupied with other things. Without LOVE there is NOTHING. Love for one another; Love for all our children; Love for all things - whether human or not.
To be able to love is to be able to LIVE.